Went out in the yard and measured today. I figure I can put in at least 7 – 4×4 ft raised beds back there comfortably without giving up too much kiddie play space. With 7 beds, I could produce food for 1 person for a year (in theory per the grow more food method). Each bed provides you 16 square feet of growing space, and it takes 100 square feet per person. So… 7 beds would give me more than enough for one.
Now if I really want to get serious, I could shoot for my family of 3 with 300 square feet, and surprisingly I did discover I could make it happen with a bit of ambition, but this year I think I will settle for shooting for 100. Otherwise my hubby will go nuts helping me put in all those beds.
In addition to the 7 beds, I have things growing in pots, including 3 potato bags which should produce up to 13 lbs per bag, 2 large half-wine barrels, herbs, lettuce, strawberries and tomatoes.
I am dying to put in berry bushes, but I’m not sure how well they would work in raised beds. Need to do some more research. The book I am reading on square foot gardening has you growing some things our family would never eat, like brussel sprouts, or things that wouldn’t do as well here in our climate.
Went to get the potatoes going this evening and discovered I need a run to Home Depot for dirt and raised bed materials!!!
The pearl onions are sprouting and the cucumbers are ready to move into bigger pots. I was soooo tempted to purchase a clump of Walla Walla sweet onion starts from the nursery across the street, but I kept myself under control. MUST… GET… GROWING… SPACE…. FIRST!